Tips for Those Moving During the Holidays from NC Moving and Storage Solutions


No one likes the idea of having to move during the holidays, but there are times when you have little to no choice in the matter. It could be Uncle Sam is transferring you, maybe a job change, or any one of dozens of other reasons. But, no matter the reason, NC Moving, and Storage Solutions is available to provide you with superior moving services. To help take the stress out of move during the holidays, we offer these handy tips.

Make Your Plans Early

The holidays are a very busy time of the year with office parties, school parties, dinners, family events, and of course shopping. Knowing that you will be moving during the holidays can help you plan which of these events you will be able to attend, which you can reschedule, and which you are simply going to have to miss this year. Keep in mind; you will need at least two full days for your move, plan accordingly.

Talk to the Moving Company Early

Winter is typically a quiet time of the year for many moving companies, but the holidays tend to be a little busier with the new year as this seems to be a popular time to move. Be sure you contact us here at NC Moving and Storage Solutions early to ensure we are available on the exact days you need us. Keep in mind that many companies shut down over the holidays, but you can count on us to be there when you need us.

Keep the Holidays in Your Move

Just because you are moving during the holidays, it doesn’t have to spoil them for you. If your kids are expecting holiday decorations (of course they are) break out the markers and go to town decorating the boxes.

Get everyone involved and let your imaginations run wild. No matter which end of the move you will be at on Christmas Day you should be able to find a restaurant that is open, or a grocery store open long enough to pick up a complete and ready to eat dinner. Most will even supply paper plates and plastic utensils, perfect for a family who has everything they own packed in boxes.

For more holiday moving tips, feel free to contact NC Moving and Storage Solutions at (510) 200-0370. We have teams of expert movers ready to help make your holiday stress-free, allowing you and your family to still enjoy the season.